Posted on Mar 05, 2009 under Trail |
Sunday, February 10, 2002
Workout: Easy to Camino
Time: 14:05 up, 13:00 back Weather: hot/sunny
I didn’t really feel like going easy today because of the terrible workout I ran yesterday. So comng up, I went a little harder, but not too hard like yesterday and many other Saturday workouts that I’ve ran in the past. I needed to be able to control how fast I ran in the beginning of the run to be able to keep up a (relatively) fast pace for the rest of the run. I was at about 7:00 pace coming up, so I tried to keep it at that pace and I guess I did because I stopped and saw my time at Camino and it was a little past 14:00. I planned to rest for 3:00 (the same amount of rest we get during our mile repeats interval workouts) but I think I only rested for two minutes and then decided to head back.
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Posted on Sep 05, 2008 under Trail |
Sunday, January 20, 2002
Workout: recovery to Camino
Time: Easy Weather: Sunny
I was really sore today (even last night) from the workout. I don’t know why, but I also had cereal for breakfast that morning, which made the run worse. Good thing the run was supposed to be a recovery. Nobody else wanted to run today except Ha; Raymond just flat out said no. Anyways, coming up, it was alright, except right before Camino, when Ha picked up the pace. It wasn’t that fast, just faster than usual, especially on an easy/recovery run. We stopped, rested and stretched at Camino for a while. I brought up the old days when we first started running cross country and how we would be dying just running to Longden or Camino. There was also a time when we were so thirsty at Longden that we walked to a nearby home’s sprinklers and drank the water; that’s how tired we were.
We ran back was at a pretty good pace, it was actually better than on the way up. I don’t think it was faster or slower, just felt a lot more comforatble. We just talked and joked around and finished together, which was a change. Today was a good day to recover from the workout the day before. But I am still sore, so I don’t know how well I will run tomorrow, which will not be such an easy workout.
Posted on Mar 13, 2008 under Training |

Note: It feels kind of weird jumping from races that happened the year before (2000) and then training on the trail a year after(2001), but I don’t really remember runs from when I first started cross country, and the only reason why I remember the runs after is because I kept a log. There aren’t that many races in a season, so I should catch up to more present time (even though the logs are still from 6 years ago). Hope no one is too confused.
Sunday, December 30, 2001
Work-out: 4 Mile Recovery/Easy to Camino
Time: 25/26 Minutes, Weather: Cool with Small Drizzle
I was pretty sore from yesterday, especially my calves (which is a good thing because that meant I was running on my toes, which I don’t think I do that often). Frank called to play basketball so I decided to run before at about four. As Ha was parking, we saw the Roosas and Fernando on the trail, so we ran with them. Coming up was alright, pretty fast for an easy/recovery run, but the rain made it easier. Just before we got to Camino, Ha decided to pick it up and tried to win it, but I didn’t let it happened and ran with him and outkicked him in the end. While resting at Camino, Fernando saw a “No Dumping” sign on the other side of the fence. He took it and ran back (pretty fast if you ask me) with the sign in his hands. Stealing that sign just made the run a little more interesting, and I still don’t know how he did it. His form must have been really bad and holding a sign like that would be pretty tiring. Anyways, back to running: again as we were finishing to the water tower, there was a pick-up. There usually is, just because it’s the end of a run and as runners, we have a tendency to finish runs (especially races, ie the kick) really fast.Whatever it was, we finished the last half mile at a much faster pace then the rest of the run. I out kicked them with not much effort, probably because it was an easy run and I had a lot of energy left. Check out the post for the previous run that I had..