Skullcandy Smokin’ Buds Ink’d Earbud Headphones Review

Posted on Jun 12, 2009 under Reviews | 6 Comments

I bought my first pair of Skullcandy Ink’d Earbud Headphones back in February of 2008 when they were on sale at Circuit City (when they were still in business). It was around that time that I started running again too and only one earphone of my current Sony headphones were working, so this was much needed for my runs. I am far from being any type of audiophile, but I was very pleased with those earbud headphones. The sound quality was really good, they actually stayed in my ears while running (can’t say the same with the headphones that come with iPods) and I had no real issues with them while they were functioning. The only reason that they died on me was because after I was done using them, I would wrap them around my iPod shuffle and after doing that so many times, the wires seem to have gotten loose and started receiving static noises and eventually died. I got another pair to replace those and have learned my lesson about wrapping the headphones around the iPod. The problem now is that transporting them from work and back home is a little bit more difficult as they get tangled with other stuff in my bag. But if that means that they will last longer, it’s definitely worth the trouble.

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