Posted on Jun 13, 2010 under Race |
Race pictures were up for the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon a lot faster than I expected. I would have thought that sorting through pictures of 30K+ runners would have been very time consuming. It wasn’t until reading a few other race reports that I realized how boring MY race photos are (and have been). If you think about it, photographers will take pictures of you while running your race. But to be honest, why do you really want to see yourself running every race? I mean, the only thing that changes is what you wear (although I usually wear the same outfit) and the expression on your face, depending on where you are in the race and how difficult it is. The other race reports I read had pictures of the scenery and race atmostphere, which is something I would like to remember the most from each of my races. Not what I wore and how tired I looked. I SO made everybody want to see these pictures now, right? Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Feb 08, 2010 under Race |
Here are some race pictures from the Carlsbad Half Marathon a couple of weeks ago. There were actually more, but they were either very similar or really bad pictures of me..But if anyone is interested or daring enough, from Brightroom. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Aug 24, 2009 under Race |
I got my race photos of the America’s Finest City 5K run from last weekend (All photos). I always tell myself (before the race) to actually look at the camera and give a decent pose. But when I’m actually running in the race, smiling and posing for a camera is the LAST thing on my mind. I really don’t care about that and am focused more on how tired I am. I really need to just lighten up and just try and give a smile one time, so I’ll have a good picture to use as a profile pic or something.. I’ll have plenty more races to try and do that. There were actually more pictures of me, but these are the ‘best’ ones. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on Jun 16, 2009 under Race |

Race Pictures: UCSD Grove Run 5K
So the race pictures for the UCSD Grove Run 5K has been available online for a while now, I just didn’t have time to actually post them on the blog. These aren’t even all of them, just the ones that summarize the race and ones that I’m (sort of) in. Read the UCSD Grove Run 5K Race Report or view all the pictures from the race.
Note: I wanted the gallery to display using Lightbox (like the race banner), but I can’t get it to work. Maybe for the next race.. Read the rest of this entry »