Trail Running Blog

Perky Jerky Review

What is Perky Jerky? Here is some info from the site: Perky Jerky is an all natural, ultra premium jerky that is unlike any other! Tender cuts of meat marinate overnight in a blend of all natural ingredients, including Guarana. It’s low calorie, low/no fat, low carb and a great protein source.

The makers of Perky Jerky have combined a seemingly improbable pair – jerky meat and energizing guarana – to form a truly unique product. If you can imagine a beef jerky that stays moist, you’re begging to grasp what Perky Jerky has to offer. Add to that the idea of a dried meat product that provides extra energy and we’ve landed on the concept of Perky Jerky.

Perky Jerky comes in both beef jerky and turkey jerky. The backstory of the product’s inception provides a good descriptor of what Perky Jerky is like. The taste of jerky holds true in Perky Jerky, without the dry taste and feel of nearly all other jerky products. Perky Jerky is moist and flavorful. It’s worth noting Perky Jerky does taste like jerky. It would be a mistake to anticipate a combination of jerky and Redbull, for example.

I shared some with a few co-workers and they had mixed reactions. One liked the taste of them, but the other wasn’t a fan of the moistness of the product. Since they were used to other dryer beef jerky (think Oberto). But they were pleasantly surprised about it overall.

Perky Jerky had me simply at being a beef jerky that stays moist. If you’re not sold on the idea of “energizing jerky,” this product is worth a try given its ability to take the best that dried meats have to offer (taste and mobility).

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