Trail Running Blog

Granite Rocx: The Tahoe Backpack Cooler Review

2013-11-23 19.02.41When I was in high school cross country, we got to go to running camp during the summer. As a runner, this was super exciting. To anyone else, this seems like torture: going to a campsite for a few days to run in the mornings and at nights? But in reality, it was really a great time. In addition to our two-a-day runs, we also got to bond with our teammates, play games like trivia, arm wrestling, mingle, dodge ball, tag, water balloon fights, running up and rolling down ‘sunshine hill’ and much more. But I digress; I haven’t been camping since then. But if I were to, I’d definitely use a product like the Granite Rocx Tahoe backpack cooler to go with my tent and bug repellant. The Tahoe is really the ultimate outdoors backpack, capable of carrying your everyday items, but also things like a folding chair, drinks in the separate cooler and a yoga mat. But you can even use it as an everyday backpack either for school or work.

The backpack cooler system is large enough to carry 12 cans and attaches to The Tahoe with 3 separate buckles but can be detached and carried with the built in strap. The Tahoe has a capacity of 35 liters (seriously, all the pockets are huge, including the drink holder). Check out the official product page for pictures of it in use.

The Granite Rocx Tahoe Backpack Cooler system has many uses:

As I mentioned before, the backpack can be a great everyday backpack as well. At my previous job, they gave all new hires a shoulder bag to carry our laptops to and from work. It was nice to get new gear starting at a new job, but I came to realize how much I despise shoulder bags. It just shifts the weight of your bag to one shoulder, which isn’t ideal. So I bought my own backpack to carry my stuff around which was much better. I’m definitely going to utilize the Granite Rocx backpack to carry my things moving forward.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received The Tahoe for free from Granite Rocx as coordinated by Deep Creek PR an Outdoor Retailer Public Relations Company in consideration for review publication.

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